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• LRC resources are available to authorized users only *
• All users are expected to respect the privacy of other users
• Cell phones must be silent/muted while in the LRC, and cell phone conversations should be conducted
in the hallway
• Food & drinks are prohibited while using LRC-owned equipment, such as computers, printers, etc.
Drinks must be sealed/have a lid when in the room
• Violation of the above policies may result in removal of LRC privileges and/or disciplinary action in
accordance with the school catalog
* Students of the school, faculty & staff employed by the school, staff of the parent institution
• All users are expected to respect the privacy of other users
• Cell phones must be silent/muted while in the LRC, and cell phone conversations should be conducted
in the hallway
• Food & drinks are prohibited while using LRC-owned equipment, such as computers, printers, etc.
Drinks must be sealed/have a lid when in the room
• Violation of the above policies may result in removal of LRC privileges and/or disciplinary action in
accordance with the school catalog
* Students of the school, faculty & staff employed by the school, staff of the parent institution
Phone: 9042697086